- New arrivals
- Products on sale
- Elegant Fabrics
- Linings, interlinings
- Blouse fabrics
- Lace Fabrics
- Decoration Fabrics
- Denim, farmeranyag
- Stretch Fabrics
- Jacquard fabrics
- Coat Fabrics
- Corduroys
- Women's Suit Fabrics
- Knitted Fabrics
- Men's Suiting Fabrics
- Satin Fabrics
- Vásznak
Terms of purchase
Our General Terms and Conditions o (GTC) contain the terms and conditions applicable to the users (BUYER) of the services provided on our website masterful.eu (Webshop).
Any technical information (eg: shipping costs) not included in the GTC are available on other information pages of the Webshop. By using the services of the Webshop, BUYER acknowledges and agrees to the GTC.
Company name: Masterful Ltd.
Company address: Sebes 27., Debrecen, 4030, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary
Mailing address: Sebes 27., Debrecen, 4030, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary
Store address: Sebes 27., Debrecen, 4030, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary
Contact Person: Rácz Tibor
Company registration number: 09-09-004517
Court of Registration: Debreceni Törvényszék Cégbírósága
VAT no: 12118300-2-09
EU VAT no: HU12118300
Bank's name: MKB BANK ZRT.
Bank account number: 10300002-10570411-49020013
IBAN account (HUF): HU52 1030 0002 1057 0411 4902 0013
E-mail: textil@masterful.hu
Tel: +3652784454
Fax: +3652535773
The Seller offers and sells textile products for wholesale buyers through its Webshop.
4.1. Risks & Liabilities
The use of the Webshop is done on the BUYER's own initiative and at the BUYER's own risk. The BUYER understands that the Seller excludes all liability for any claims or damages arising from the usage of the webshop. In the case of intent or gross negligence, SELLER shall be liable according to the legal provisions. Otherwise, the SELLER shall be liable in accordance with the Product Liability Act regarding loss of life, bodily harm or damages to health in the case of a violation of material contractual duties in breach of contract or if the SELLER has maliciously concealed the defect or has accepted warranty for the condition of the delivery item.
The SELLER excludes any liability regarding user-generated content and actions published on the Webshop by the BUYER, and the BUYER agrees to take full responsibility for publishing such content or action.
The BUYER is obliged to respect the rights of third parties and avoid direct of indirect infringement of such rights or any legislation in force.
The SELLER may check (but is not obliged to do so) any user-generated content (eg: comments), and may look for signs of infringement, but excludes all liability for such content.
4.2. Intellectual Property Rights
The contents published on the Webshop (texts, images, graphic elements , etc...) are protected by copyright, therefore it is strictly prohibited to copy, modify, merge, publish or distribute any of these for commercial purposes.
5.1. Placing the order (order process)
The BUYER can review and purchase the SELLER'S products through the WEBSHOP. The BUYER can use the menu to navigate through the WEBSHOP. The products are organized in different categories. All products on sale are listed in the category Reduction Products. The sale either starts and ends on a given date or is valid still stock lasts. This information is marked on the products page. Products listed in the category More for less are subject to quantity discounts. Newly listed product are also included in the New products category.
By clicking on a category's name, the WEBSHOP shows the products listed in that category. If there are more products in a category that can be listed on a single page, the BUYER can navigate to the next page by clicking on the page numbers at the top and in the bottom. Products details (description, price, compositon, etc.) can be accessed by clicking on the products name.
The WEBSHOP has a search engine that works with keywords. Products matching the search are listed similar to the category listings.
Products are added to the cart by entering the desired quantity in the field next to the cart button and clicking on the add to cart button. The Buyer can verify the cart's contents by clicking on the cart button at the top of the page. Item's in the cart can be modified or removed. All products can be removed from the cart by pressing the Empty Cart button. The Buyer can contine to place the order by clicking on the Order button. Currently only registered and authorised users are allowed to place orders in the Webshop.
The buyer must provide the following information upon registration: e-mail address, name, phone number, billing address and shipping address. The buyer must also provide a password during registration. When the registration is succesfull the BUYER is notified by the Webshop and also by e-mail. The BUYER can delete its account by sending a request to the SELLER via e-mail. However, in this case the BUYER must submit a new registration before placing a purchase. The SELLER is liable for protecting all BUYER data submitted during registration. The BUYER must keep its data up-to-date and must notify the SELLER if its account or data was compromised by a third a party. In case the BUYER forgets its password, a new password can be requested on the Webshop and will be sent directly to the BUYER's registered e-mail address. The order process can only be completed after the BUYER signed in with its registered username and password.
In the next step, the BUYER must choose the preferred delivery and payment method for the order. On the order summary page, the BUYER can verify all of its data, the purchased products and quantities. Any typo/error can be corrected by clicking on the pencil button next to given field. The order can be finished by clicking on the Order button. The Buyer receives an autmatic confirmation message through the Webshop and via e-mail. Should the BUYER find any error or mistake in the confirmation e-mail, the BUYER must notify the SELLER immediately or within 24hours from placing the order.
The BUYER can login via the Customer login screen or by clicking on the Login button in the top left corner. When logged in, the BUYER can access the Change Customer Details menu, where the BUYER can update its registered data, and can also review and check the status of previous and pending orders.
The prices on the webshop are hidden to unregistered users and users not logged in. Only the SELLER's registered and authorized wholesale partners are allowed to review the wholesale prices after logging in to their accounts. Registration is only open to professional partners and entrepreneurs. The SELLER reserves the right to cancel and delete the registration of consumers or any party operating outside the textile industry.
5.2. Offer validity and order confirmation
The SELLERS sends its order confirmation to the BUYER within 48 hours after receiving the order. If the confirmation does not arrive within 48 hours, then the BUYER's purchase offer is not binding and the BUYER is not obliged to take over the purchased goods.
The confirmation e-mail includes all data provided by the BUYER during the order process and the details of the order, the price and quantity of the purchased product(s), the chosen delivery and payment method, the order number and the BUYER's remarks (if any) regarding the order.
5.3. Creation of the contract
The contract can be made in Hungarian or English languages. Contracts made online are subject to (Hungaran) Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services. Consumer contracts are subject to Government Decree No. 45/2014 (II.26) on the Detailed Provisions of Contracts Concluded between Consumers and Companies and also comply with the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011.
The SELLER confirms the order by sending a separate order confirmation e-mail after the automatic confirmation, but within 48 hours of placing the order. The SELLER's separate order confirmaton e-mail is deemed the acceptance of the BUYER's offer. The legally binding contract is created when the BUYER receives the SELLER's separate order confirmation e-mail. The automatic confirmation e-mail does not create a legally binding contract.
5.4. Records of Contracts
Online contracts (made through the Webshop) are not regarded as written contracts. The SELLER does not file or register these contracts under a reference number, and the SELLER cannot provide copies of theses to the BUYER later.
The SELLER is not subject to the provisions of any special code of conduct.
5.5. Billing
The SELLER provides the invoice in printed form, and sends it to the BUYER together with the ordered goods.
Should the BUYER request any items to be billed separately, the BUYER must notify the SELLER at the time of placing the order. The BUYER must also provide full billing information for these items.
5.6. Payment
Payment methods available:
5.6.1. Bank transfer in advance
The SELLER sends a proforma invoice to the BUYER via e-mail. In order to speed up order processing, the BUYER should mark the proforma invoice number when making the remittance. If the ordered goods are out of stock, the SELLER issues an invoice from the advance amount, which will be sent to the BUYER together with the final invoice when the goods are shipped.
5.6.2. Cash on delivery (COD)
In the case of COD, the BUYER pays the full order amount in cash at the place of delivery based on the chosen delivery method. COD is not available to export orders (orders to be shipped outside Hungary).
5.6.3. Cash (at warehouse)
This payment is only available if the BUYER picks up the ordered goods personally at the SELLER's warehouse. Cash payment is only available to professional wholesale partners.
5.7. Delivery methods & conditions
The available delivery methods and their basic conditions:
5.7.1. Sprinter courier
The maximum package weight is 150kg and the maximum size is 0,5 m3. Should the weight and/or size exceed these limits, the SELLER reserves the right to send the ordered goods in separate parts or by using a different delivery company.
The goods are delivered to the BUYER on workdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If the BUYER is not present at the delivery address in the above time periods, the BUYER should provide a work address, or any other address where someone is able to receive the package.
After sending the package, the SELLER sends the tracking number and the link of the online tracking website to the BUYER via e-mal. Therefore, the BUYER can either check the shipping status online or contact the courier company.
Ha a futár a megadott címen nem talál senkit, értesítőt hagy és másnap újra megkísérli a kézbesítést. A második eredménytelen kézbesítés után a szállítás sztornózásra kerül és a futárcég visszaszállítja az árut a Szolgáltatóhoz. Amennyiben a felhasználónak felróható, hogy mindkét kézbesítési alkalom sikertelen volt, a Szolgáltató a továbbiakban csak előre fizetés (előre utalás, bankkártyás fizetés, stb.) mellett ad fel újabb csomagot a Felhasználó részére.
A termék átvételekor a Felhasználó köteles megvizsgálni, hogy a termék sérülésmentes-e. Amennyiben sérülést tapasztal a csomagoláson, a terméken, a Felhasználó kérheti a futártól jegyzőkönyv felvételét, mert a termék futártól való átvételével illetve az átvételt igazoló dokumentum aláírásával a termék mennyiségi és minőségi átvétele megtörténik, ami azt jelenti, hogy az átvételt követően a Felhasználó kizárólag elállási jogával élhet, ezért a kiszállítást végző személy távozása után a Szolgáltatónak utólag mennyiségi és minőségi reklamációt nem áll módjában elfogadni.
Amennyiben az átvételkor láthatóan sérült a csomagolás vagy a termék, és a sérülés bizonyíthatóan az áru átvételét megelőzően keletkezett, a termék visszavételét, illetve cseréjét a Szolgáltató díjmentesen biztosítja. Az átvételt követően észlelt sérülésért a Szolgáltató felelősséget nem vállal!
A szállítási költségek az alábbiak szerint alakulnak:
bruttó 25000 Ft alatti rendelések esetén egységesen bruttó 1190 Ft
bruttó 25000 Ft feletti rendelések esetén a szállítás ingyenes
A raktáron lévő termékek szállítási ideje a hétköznap délutan 15 óráig beérkezett rendelések esetén 1-2 munkanap. Amennyiben a termék nincs raktáron, vagy a szállítás előre láthatóan hosszabb időre nyúlik, akkor a Szolgáltató erről előre értesíti a Felhasználót, aki szabadon eldöntheti, hogy megvárja az árut, vagy eláll a rendelésétől.
A Szolgáltató - eltérő megállapodásának hiányában - a szerződés megkötését követően késedelem nélkül, de legkésőbb harminc napon belül köteles a Fogyasztó rendelkezésére bocsátani (kiszállítani) a terméket. A Szolgáltató késedelme esetén a Fogyasztó jogosult póthatáridőt tűzni. Ha a Szolgáltató a póthatáridőn belül nem teljesít, a Fogyasztó jogosult a szerződéstől elállni. A Fogyasztó póthatáridő tűzése nélkül akkor jogosult a szerződéstől elállni akkor, ha a Szolgáltató a szerződés teljesítését megtagadta vagy a szerződést a felek megállapodása szerint vagy a szolgáltatás felismerhető rendeltetésénél fogva a meghatározott teljesítési időben - és nem máskor - kellett volna teljesíteni.
5.7.2. Posta csomag
A Postára, Postapontra, Posta csomagautomatákra a fenti 5.7.1 pontban megfelelően alkalmazandók, az alábbi eltérésekkel:
A csomag mérete maximum: 50x31x35 cm lehet
A csomag súlya maximum: 20 kg lehet
A fenti korlátokat meghaladó csomagokat, a Szolgáltató a Felhasználó választása szerint vagy futárszolgálattal kézbesíti, vagy több külön csomagban adja fel. Ez utóbbi esetben azonban a Felhasználónak minden egyes csomagra külön-külön meg kell fizetnie a szállítási költséget. A Felhasználó csak akkor mentesül a szállítási költség fizetési alól, ha a külön feladott csomagok mindegyikének értéke, egyenként is meghaladja a bruttó 25000 Ft-os értékhatárt.
A szállítási költségek az alábbiak szerint alakulnak:
bruttó 25000 Ft alatti rendelések esetén egységesen bruttó 1190 Ft
bruttó 25000 Ft feletti rendelések esetén a szállítás ingyenes
5.7.3. Személyes átvétel
Személyes átvételre kizárólag nagyker felhasználóink számára biztosítunk lehetőséget, akik Üzletünkben, hétköznap 8:17 óra között vehetik át a megrendelt termékeket.
Üzletünk címe: 4030 Debrecen, Sebes utca 27.
Protection of your personal data is a priority for Masterful Kft. and its partners. Collecting and processing of personal data necessary for identification during the usage of our website complies with the data protection standards in force in Hungary (Law CXII. 2011).Your data will be handled confidentially; your data will not be given out to any third parties, unless it is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract (e.g.: billing, shipping, courier service).